Laboratory Schedule

To ensure your appliances are delivered on time, please provide a placement date and time on your prescription forms. When calculating your appliance delivery date, make sure to allow approximately 3 days (plus weekend and holidays) mailing time in each direction, in addition to our in-lab time per our routine schedule below:
Appliance Working Days in Lab
Hawley and Spring Retainers……….3 Days
Metal Appliances………………………….3 Days
Herbst Appliances………………………..5 Days
Herbst© is a registered trademark of Dentaurum. HTH© is a registered trademark of American Orthodontics. Flip-Lock© is a registered tracemark of TP Orthodontics. Exspider© is a registered trademark of Leone America. Damon© is a registered trademark of Ormco Corporation. RES©, AppleCore©, Clear Image© and MiniScope© are registered trademarks of Specialty Appliances, Inc.